Thursday, December 29, 2011
Food with S

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Shaping Eyebrows

Monday, December 26, 2011
I belong to this city - Hyderabad. I have grown up here and spent the time in summer evenings playing with the kids in the lane. Savoring snacks after the sunset, going around the colony with my mother for grocery shopping and occasionally eating the Best Butter Chicken known to mankind which is only here in Hyderabad. The city is famous for its Biryani and it comes as no doubt that if a person who is from this city is introduced to other kind of biryanis the only words coming from their mouths would be that of criticism. I am really bragging but if you haven't had Hydro Food then you haven't had actual awesome food :P
Monday, December 5, 2011
Why do Bad things happen to Good people?

In Surah Hud (11:11), Allah (S.W.T.) again promises to reward those who are patient in adversity:
Not so do those who show patience and constancy, and work righteousness; for them is forgiveness (of sins) and a great reward.
Open the Quran and there's no discomfort of your heart that cannot be changed into comfort.
I found this quote at a friend's profile and loved it!
"Ease [yusr] & hardship ['usr] are the feathers that give strength to the wings of your faith [iman], so that your heart and your innermost being [sirr] can use them to fly to the door of your Lord (Almighty and Glorious is He)” ~Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani
What I have also personally learnt from my life is that if none of bad things or people have happened to me I would never come out of my selfish zone and never care for what other people are or were going through. I have had experiences with people who are probably the best kind of people that I have met in my entire life of 21 years and their lives weren't pretty or even close to perfect yet they were content. The grace with which they carried their faith in their hearts has truly left me awestruck.
So the answer really to the BIG question is that If you believe that there is One God , The Creator then you should also believe that Nobody knows you better than your creator, It is HE who knows whats the best for you and what can bring out the best in you. You don't question his will, your job is only to submit and ask for his help in the times of distress. I know that the word submission itself rubs in our ego like salt on wounds but there is no submission as beautiful, as comforting and as liberating as the submission to that One True God - Allah.
I won't leave you just at that, One of Allah's names and attributes is Al-Adl [the most just] so don't think those who have wronged you have it easy because you don't see them suffering in this life. Know that HE knows what your heart feels, the tears that flow out of your eyes, the painful memories that you cannot forget, the distress that it causes and the sleepless nights. Also know that HE is the one who loves you 70 times more than your mother ever will or maybe even more.
Have patience, your time is about to come. Have faith because Allah Subhanahoo wa ta'ala has BIG plans for you, He wants to see you in Jannah, He wants to give you eternal peace and bliss. He has created for YOU the best place everr.
Some real quotes for comfort ;
When Allaah tests you it is never to destroy you. When He removes something in your possession it is (only) in order to empty your hands for an even greater gift! [Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullaah]
“If you see Allah, Mighty and Magnificent, holding back this world from you, frequently trying you with adversity and tribulation, know that you
... hold a great status with Him. Know that He is dealing with you ...as
He does with His Awliya’ and chosen elite, and is watching over you"
--Al Ghazali
"From the complete blessings of Allah upon a servant is testing him with hardships and difficulties that force him to race towards His oneness. Because of this, he will supplicate to Him with sincerity. Hope in Him and no other. Trust in Him and no other. And love Him and no other to the extent that his experiences of faith, trust and love will be sweeter to him than having the trials of sickness and harm removed from him."
--Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (ra)
“Sometimes in order to help He makes us cry. Happy the eye that sheds tears for His sake. Fortunate the heart that burns for His sake. Laughter always follows tears. Blessed are those who understand. Life blossoms wherever water flows. Where tears are shed divine mercy is shown.” - Jalaluddin Rumi
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Compulsive Blogging

Sunday, November 27, 2011
Taraweeh Tales - Part 3

Here's the part 1 and part 2
Saturday, November 26, 2011
That One Moment

Between doing something right or doing something wrong lies a moment. The moment when you decide, which way to go and what path to choose and If you can just control yourself in that one moment it saves from a lifetime of regret.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
A Muslim Girl's Confusions - Nail Colors

If you are a Muslim Girl,then you're probably gonna have an idea of what I am about to write on. And if you are not then *think no more* you are about to find out!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
The thing about kids..

Friday, November 11, 2011
Safeguarding emotions

I feel for people who think twice or even thrice before expressing themselves and at the same time I know that, sometimes I am one of them.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
A word called 'Sorry'
Whats the BIG Deal?

Growing up and even until few months ago I couldn't quite get the BIG deal of knowing or learning about the Names and Attributes of Allah swt. I knew that they were important, I believed that they were true and I thought it's quite cool if I could memorize them and that was about it.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The way we connect

I have plenty of people in my life who I can say I have truly connected with. I've been a part of their memories and they have been a part of mine. Most of those memories were happy memories, when we would laugh to the extent that we would run out of breath, get excited and hug the life out of each other, do something special together and wish for the world to stop that time or just simply do a notorious act and grin to ourselves.
Does it Ever Stop Hurting?

Last Friday evening after crying for hours thinking about some sad and bad memories of life, I asked this question my sister and my best friend who was online to cheer me up;
There are parts of each one of us in our lives that we wish we could the erase the memory of from our mind. Because they hurt, a lot. I have realized what really matters at the end of the day is that you learn and lesson and be careful next time. Not get hurt by the same thorn again. Yet, as human beings we have a tendency to run behind the things and people that hurt us, with few people consciously and with some subconsciously. Don't believe me?
I am sure there's one person in everyone's life who has hurt them yet they want to get past that hurt and have the old relation with that person back again because they value the person more than their own pain. And hey, I am not judging anyone here. Whatever works for anyone. Although, sometimes we should be careful because the another thing with human beings is that they can forgive others and their mistakes easily but man! do they have tough time forgiving their own selves and their own mistakes.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Studying Tips?

Hello People
So I am not quite sure as to how many of you awesome people out there are currently studying. I stopped studying about 3 years back after I started working but for godknowswhat reason I decided to give a shot at some accountancy exams and to be able to enter that course I need to clear a test. And to clear that test I need to study which I find highly difficult =/
So I would like to ask you guys if you can please put in the comment box any tips or suggestions on how to manage studying and working. within less than 2 months I have that test coming up, I have 4 thick books to study from and I am just too lazy to do it once I am back from work around 6-ish in the evening. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011
When The Red Light Stopped Flashing

If you are living in the Gulf, Certain parts of Europe and Even India and If you own a BlackBerry then you must have encountered a problem with your device. It was a system problem from the manufacturers and I got assured that today it has been resolved.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Ar Rahmaan; Ar Raheem - Part 3

1120. Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "May Allah have mercy on a man who performs four Rak`ah before the `Asr prayer.''
[Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi].
Commentary: These four Rak`ah can be performed in two couplets also, as was the practice of the Prophet (PBUH), according to the preceding Hadith. It can be performed with one Taslim also. Both forms are correct and permissible. Some scholars are of the opinion that the former method is better. `Ulama' have stated that these four Sunnah of `Asr prayer are Ghair Mu'akkadah (optional prayers). Its importance is however evident from the fact that the Prophet (PBUH) prayed for mercy on those who performed these Sunnah.
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him, who said that the Messenger of Allah
said: Allah - may His Majesty be exalted ! - said:
".......My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him.It was related by al-Bukhari.
"Is it better for me to make tasbîh or to make istighfâr?" He replied, "The dirty robe is more in need
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Ar Rahman; Ar Raheem - Part 2

Thursday, October 6, 2011
My Favorite Verse

‘’Don’t worry man, you have changed now’’
‘’But what if Allah swt doesn’t forgive me?’’
‘’He will accept anyone’s sincere repentance, He is Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem’’
I convince a friend of mine knowing what she was going through. Not too long ago, in the deepest darkness at the back of my mind, a question prevailed that how can I or anyone be sure that Allah swt has forgiven them? There is a feeling of hopelessness that overtakes people like my friend and I who haven’t really been striving muslims all our lives and those who have recently been guided to Islam and have changed their personalities, left their old lifestyles for the pleasure of their Master - Allah swt. Allah, the most high assures to the somewhat confused/scared people like us,He says in Surah Zumar verse 53
“O ‘Ibadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Ar - Rahman ; Ar - Rahmeem

Salamalaykum wr wb! :)
When we study about the Names and Attributes of Allah SWT at Al Huda classes that class is called 'The Greatest Delight'. When I initially started attending classes with them, I could not figure out why is it called The Greatest Delight. Sure, it is good to study the names and attributes of Allah SWT, but anyone can just memorize it and they are done. I tried it many times to myself, to memorize 99 names and just get done with it, and honestly it didn't work. At 9 or 10 names my train of memorization would stop, because all I wanted was the names and attributes because I knew it will get me hassanat.
But, Subhanallah, At our classes we study 1 name and attribute for sometimes upto 4 classes of approximately 1 hour each. Few of you might think how is it possible? Well, Alhamdulillah we have a super awesome teacher, who when we are studying the name gives examples from our real life situations and makes us ponder upon it. It is said that Once you learn the names and attributes of Allah, everything around you should remind you of Him. Like when you see somebody who has changed tremendously you ponder about the name Al-Hadi. When you see somebody changing from 1 stage slowly to another you ponder about the name Al-Lateef. You look at some amazing beauty, you must think of his name Al-Jameel and be awestruck, etc. Even when you do this pondering don't think you don't get hassanat, even this is an act of worship.
Anyhow, moving on, I'll be honest with you I haven't attended the past 3 classes because I wasn't well one week , I was in India, and I was just lazy. You know that feeling when the eman-o-meter goes down to '0'? Yeah, something of that sort. But, the good news is last night I attended the class and man! did I need that?! And... I wrote a lot of notes, for my wonderful readers :) May you All benefit from them, Inshallah.
So, what did I miss? The Intro; and the first type of 'Rahma' which is the General Rahma or Mercy. However, while searching for a picture to go with my post I found an interesting website which has in depth details on names and attributes of Allah SWT. Here's the link. I will be honest, I haven't really checked how great it is, you guys can check and let me know.
1. General Mercy or Rahma 'Amma - You can find that this kind of mercy is all around us. When we notice our surroundings, the nature, the animals. The way Allah swt shows his mercy to all of his creation. You can think about it and post in the comments section anything that pops up in your mind when you think about this kind of mercy.
2. Special Mercy or Rahma Khassa - This mercy is any kind of mercy that is related to the hereafter. So how to know if you or I have gotten this mercy or not? well here are some pointers; whoever receives this special kind of mercy, Allah will ;
- That person will be guided to the path of seeking knowledge
- He/She will be guided to good deeds
- They will be guided to worship Allah and Allah swt will beautiful this worship in their heart. What does it mean? well, you know how sometimes although we pray, it is out of laziness, after an hour's of procrastination, and well there really isn't any affect on us after that? Yeah! So when Allah swt beautifies our ibadah, we don't feel that way. There's no lethargy infact we look forward to it and it brings comfort to our heart.
- He/She will be firom upon the right guidance
- Allah swt will guide this person even with their decisions
Remember, we cannot measure His mercy. It is beyond that.Why do I say this? Because sometimes we unconsciously measure it when someone has a better job than us, or a better car that perhaps Allah swt is being more merciful towards them. If you recieve something from Allah, know that it IS mercy and even if you are deprived of something then know that it is mercy TOO. A believer always thinks good of Allah. But, how to do that?
You have to make an active connection between the Decree of Allah swt with His Mercy :
Allah knows better than you do about the thing in which there's mercy for you. Also, remember that Allah decree is surrounded by His Mercy. Whats the proof?
Think about this, At the time of Firawn or Pharoh he was so out of his mind when he got to know that one of the boys from his nation is going to defeat him that he decided to kill all the boys born every year. The Banu Israil were of course psyched out because they were the pampered people and always wanted slaves to take care of them, so they did not find it acceptable that all boys be killed. So Pharoh decided, that he is gonna kill all baby boys born every alternate year. So the year in which no boys were supposed to be killed, Haroon (AS) was born, the next year when the boys were supposed to be killed Musa (AS) was born. Now, how do we see this situation? As a bad one of course. Now, Musa (AS) mother could hide him somewhere in the house, make sure nobody sees him, keeps him in a small place, after all he was a small baby and could have been hidden anywhere. But Allah SWT inspires her to put Musa (AS) in a BOX, and then put it in the water. Atleast, if Musa (AS) was with her, she could spend her life whole and own life protecting Him, but putting him in a box and then in water looked like a sure shot invitation to death. Yet, she put her faith in it and did as inspired. Where's the mercy in this Decree of Allah?
The mercy in this decree of Allah swt is, while his mother was worried for his safety. Allah SWT's decree made it possible for Musa (AS) to be raised in the Most SAFEST places of that time. Pharoh's palace was AS Safe AS a person could get. See the beauty? we can even recall some of the events in our own lives which at first seemed like something so bad, yet with it came some good in it. I have had instances where I hated something that happened in my life to a great extent, but now when I look at it, I know it was for the best.
Any decree, any situation, anything that you even hate, just know there's Allah's decree in it which by default means there is some mercy in it which also kinda means that you can't winge about it. It is a reminder for me before anybody else. Any decree that even if you don't like might become your means of attaining jannah..NOTHING THAT THE MOST MERCIFUL DECREES FOR HIS SLAVES WILL BE BAD. That's the belief we all need to engrave in our minds. Remember that when Allah swt deals with us, it is 100% mercy. Any decree that happpens from now on, we must remember to associate Allah's mercy with it. And not everyone will understand it.
We have to remember that Allah is more merciful than any human being, hence don't make conditional dua. Don't think ''Oh how can I ask for Jannatul Firdaws? I am such a sinner, I will be fine even if I stay at the lowest levels in Jannah'' because Allah's mercy is beyond measure. So when you ask of Him something, out His mercy He can give you anything that you ask for, even if it looks like a far fetched dua. And when we are complaining about any situation that happened with the decree of Allah to a human being, it is as of you are complaining about the Most Merciful which is why Qadr Allah should always be associated with his name and attribute Ar- Rahman - Ar Raheem.
I still have more notes to go, Inshallah I will post the following tomorrow ;
Allah swt's Mercy in relation to the Shariah
Allah swt's Mercy in relation with the name Ar-Rub
Allah swt's Mercy in relation with the name Al-Alim
Allah swt's Mercy in relation with the name Al-Ghafoor
And! Remember to 'Share' the Khayr.